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Even the best 3D Scanners sometimes need matting spray for quality data collection.
Transparent parts

As we are dealing with optical technologies, light needs to be projected on and/or reflected off the surface back into the detector of the scanner. In case of a transparent surface, however, the light will go through the surface instead of being reflected by the same. In consequence, the scanner is not able to capture the surface structure.

Deep Pocket

When the object to be scanned has deep pockets, the scanner receives a reflection from the walls of the pocket onto the bottom. This causes disturbance in the pattern of the light manifesting in the scan as “artifacts” or bad data.

Reflective parts

In case of reflective parts, such as a mirror, the light beams will be reflected in a focused way instead of in a diffused way. This means that the chance of a beam hitting the reflector of the scanner is greatly reduced and the scanner will only capture a fraction of the reflected light beams.

High quality and accuracy

When quality and accuracy are important, you might want to apply spray to remove as much as possible all the causes like colour differences, differences in reflection, texture, etc.

The use of spray creates a matte, white coat reducing reflection and other inhomogeneities and thus provides perfect scanning condition.

In general, matting sprays used in 3D metrology for antireflective coatings can be classified into the following two product groups​:
Permanent Sprays
  • Surface remains white after scan

  • Cleaning required or disposal of scanned object

Vanishing Sprays
  • Coating evaporates automatically

  • No cleaning after scanning required

  • No pigment-contamination of laboratories, sensors, environments, scanners and users

Common areas of application include:
  • Automotive

  • Engineering

  • Aerospace

  • Energy sector

  • Tooling Industry

  • Architecture

  • Plastic Design & Art

  • Digital Archiving

  • Reverse Engineering

  • Optical Metrology

  • Research and Development

  • Process Monitoring

  • Inline Scanning

  • Measurement Services

  • Surface Inspection

Example Uses
3D Scan of Mercedes Benz car door

Many components that have to be scanned in the automotive industry are transparent, reflective or very shiny. AESUB products help in providing a matte, homogeneous coating and thus perfect scanning conditions. After the scan process, the coating evaporates by itself. 

Jewelry Scan

Shiny, reflective surfaces such as jewelry are difficult to scan. Shining 3D demonstrates how easy 3D scanning a silver bracelet can be when using the AutoScan Inspec with AESUB 3D scanning spray for 3D digitalization. AESUB for more shining ideas! 

3D Scan of a Cessna 441

Apply the vanishing AESUB green to large surfaces with a spray gun to obtain perfect conditions for optical 3D measurements. In this application, our partners from INVIZION scanned a Cessna 441 aircraft with a SCANTECH handheld scanner using our new AESUB green. 

3D Scan of regatta yacht

The new vanishing AESUB green for large-scale scanning of transparent, reflective or glossy surfaces using handheld, metrology or terrestrial laser scanners for 3D digitalization without any need for post-cleaning. 

AESUB meets Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence

Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence meets AESUB 3D Scanningsprays – no mess, no cleaning, improved efficiency and perfect scan results.  

AESUB meets a3Ds

Artur Skuratowicz from A3Ds GmbH gives insights into how his scanning-service business has changed since the introduction of AESUB scanning sprays. 3D scanning of transparent, reflective and deep pocket objects using 3D Scanning spray for 3D digitalization without any intensive post cleaning. It's magic! 

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